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important dates

Here are important dates for Rush 2023! Woo hoo!!!


Apps open Monday, August 28th at 5:30pm

Apps close Thursday, August 31st at 11:59pm

msc open house

Sunday, August 27th 1:00-5:00 pm

Phillies' table located at Kyle Field Plaza!


August 28th at 5:30 pm- MSC 2404

August 29th at 5:30 pm-MSC 2404

August 30th at 5:30pm - MSC 2404

If you would like to learn more about Phillies and what we do, come to an informational! We would love to meet you and answer any questions you may have. Informationals will be posted online through social media platforms to be viewed at any time after published. More updates to come!

ministry fair

Thursday, August 24th 6-9 pm

Central Church- 1991 FM 158

College Station, TX 77845

Ministry Fair is put on by Impact Retreat and is a great way to talk to different churches and Christian organizations. Phillies will have a table set up with girls who would love to talk to you and tell you more about Phillies - come by and say hi!



Rush socials will be held Monday, August 28th -Thursday, August 31st, 7-9 pm. We look forward to meeting you!

Phillies Rush .jpg

Conducted on 

Friday, September 1st, Saturday, September 2nd

& Sunday, September 3rd

Location: lower level MSC

Every girl will get an interview at the Memorial Student Center. You will be able to sign up for an interview time slot at the end of your application. The interviews will last for 20 minutes and will be conducted by two girls on the selections committee. These interviews as super casual, so don't be stressed! 


Letters Go Out

Thursday, September 7th at noon 

After all interviews are conducted, a group of Phillies that make up the Selections committee will take a few days to go through each applicant and review each application and interview. All decisions made during this process are made prayerfully and each vote must be made unanimously. On September 8th at noon, a letter for each applicant will be available to be picked up that will disclose the final decision. The location to pick up these letters will be announced later. 

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